Day 233 – The Royal DNA

The Royal DNA

Recent DNA testing and scientific research has confirmed the Biblical teaching that mankind has descended from one man and one woman. In 1987, a team of scientist at the University of California at Berkeley, published a study of people from different geographic locations in the world and found that all had the same female ancestor. They called her “the mitochondrial Eve.” (mtDNA) In 1995, other studies of males confirmed a common “Y” chromosome, which makes him male, coming from one source, an Adam. These studies also confirmed that these two lived at the same time and same place. DNA, (deoxyribonucleic acid), is a genetic code that carries the information of ancestral traits, both physical, emotional and spiritual.

The Bible says clearly that all have descended from one man, Adam. (Acts 17.26) He was created with a pure DNA, but when he sinned his genetic code was altered and a deformation began. This sin-tainted DNA has been transferred from generation to generation until the present day, through the father’s y chromosome. Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. Jesus had a different DNA; a royal DNA. He was born of a woman, Mary, thus carrying a common mtDNA, but not that of Adam. The first Adam was a living being, he came from the earth, controlled by his fleshly instincts and sinful nature. The last Adam, Jesus, is a Life-giving Spirit, is from Heaven with a spiritual nature and controlled by the Holy Spirit. (I Cor. 15.45-49)

The DNA of Adam cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. It has been condemned to corruption and death. There must be a new birth, resulting in a transformation of one’s genetic nature. One must be born of the Spirit to be able to enter into the presence of God. When we accept Jesus into our lives, our sins are not only washed away by the blood of Jesus, but we become His children, with His nature and His royal DNA. As Peter says: “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, so that you might declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” (I Peter 2.9) As a descendant of Adam, we bear the image of the earthly man, but in Jesus we are transformed into His image.

Life is in the blood. It was in the shedding of the blood of Jesus that brought forgiveness of sins, the healing of sicknesses, the breaking of curses and deliverance from the enemy. By faith, we partake of the blood of Jesus and are saved from sin and death, being transported from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God. Our spirit is reborn and we are a new creation. Our soul, (mind, emotion and will), on the other hand, needs to be transformed. Our spirit is reborn instantly, but our soul is transformed progressively. Our mind must be renewed, our emotions controlled and our will submitted. The blood, that saved us, is the same blood that changes us. As we apply the blood of Jesus in our lives, old sin-habits and bonds of the enemy broken and ancestral traits changed. God also has a plan for our bodies. Though final transformation will only happen at the resurrection of the dead, we can receive healing from all sickness as we apply the blood of Jesus. The Royal DNA of the Blood of Jesus sanctifies us holy, both spirt, soul and body.

Scriptures to meditate on:

I Peter 2.9-10; I Cor. 10.16; 15.45-50; John 1.11-13; 6.54-56; Rom. 3.23; 5.12; 7.23