Tiago, Telma, and Joana Santos

Mission to São Tomé & Príncipe
70% of the population in São Tomé e Príncipe are under 20 years old. Many children have been abandoned by their parents and live on the street with no register as to their name or date of birth. Tiago was a professional football, (soccer), player and Telma is a psychologist. They will use their training and experience in ministry to reach this fatherless generation and restore to them their true identity as children of God and God’s plan and purpose for their lives. This project is worthy of our support and prayers. The Santos family need to raise 2,200 Euros as their monthly budget. Please join with us in extending the Kingdom of God to these islands.
Mail tax deductible donations to:
Strategic Indigenous Missions
PO Box 1745
Placerville, CA 95667
Make Check Payable to “Strategic Indigenous Missions” and Indicate “Santos” in the memo line of the check.
For bank transfers please contact SIM directly at:
Tel: 530-417-3230
or E-Mail: info@simissions.org
All of our overhead is voluntary, which enables 100% of your gifts to go to the specified projects.