Day 243 – Joined Together

Joined Together

The Body of Christ is composed of all those who have been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus and have been joined together to fulfill Christ’s purpose her on the earth. Just as the human body has different members, yet held together by joints and ligaments, so the Body of Christ is held together by covenant relationships. Paul says that the “one flesh” relationship of a man and woman in marriage symbolizes the mystery of unity in the Body of Christ. These connections are inseparable. They are designed to be mutually edifying and to reflect the nature and character of the Head, which is Jesus. The Head determines the placement of each member in the Body and as each part functions properly the whole Body grows and builds itself up in love. (Eph. 4.16)

In the 1800’s there was a famous pair of conjoined twins, whose names were Chang and Eng Bunker. They were from Siam, (today named Thailand), and were the source of the expression “Siamese Twins”. Today, we use the expression, “joined at the hip”, referring to how some Siamese twins are connected, to express a strong bond between two people. This depth of connection is life-giving and matures with time. I have this kind of relationship with a number of people, within the Body of Christ, and have been so benefitted by what they have added to me. Within these relationships there is no need for “ice breakers”, nor superficiality or fear of offending. Like an old shoe, it is just comfortable being with them.

I have also learned that some people are not so covenant minded. Though there may be an attraction at first, they just don’t stay. Even when their words express commitment, when they want to leave, they will leave. When people walk away from you, let them walk. Don’t try to talk them into staying. You cannot force anyone to want to be with you. Your destiny is not tied to anyone who has left you, but to those God has joined to you. Those who are joined to you will stay with you. The Scriptures speaks to this point: “They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.” (I John 2.19) These times of separation may be painful, but you must go on. God is building His Church and nothing and no one can prevail against it.

There is an innate desire in each us for intimacy and relationships. We were designed by God to connect with others. From the beginning of creation, God said that it was not good for man to be alone; so He created a help-mate for man. Family was established so that each child would be born into a loving and nurturing environment. When sin entered into the human equation, it resulted in division and loneliness. All were separated from God and from one another. But God’s love pursued us. He found us in our lost state and took us into His family. The Psalms say that He places the solitary in families. (Ps. 68.6) Ezekiel graphically portrays this when he says that we were like an aborted fetus, left to die on the side of the road. The Lord came by and spoke life into us and raised us as His own. (Ez. 16.4-14) As we connect with God, then we can connect with others. He is the third strand in the cord that is not easily broken. (Ec. 4.12) As you find your placement in the Body of Christ, be faithful to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. As you are blessing to those whom God has joined to you, your needs of friendship and intimacy will be fulfilled.

Scriptures to meditate on:

I Cor. 1.10; 6.17; Eph. 4.16; 5.31-32; Heb. 13.5; I John 2.19; Acts 2.47; Ps. 68.6