Day 54 – Our Omnipotent God

Our Omnipotent God

There is no understanding of God without recognizing His omnipotence. Omnipotence means all-powerful. God not only is Creator of all physical and spiritual reality, but He is its sustainer. He not only set creation in motion, but maintains its order, substance and life. Without God everything ceases to exist. Paul wrote to the Colossians explaining God’s power in this way: “in Him all things hold together,” (Col. 1.17).

Those that deny the existence of God, hold to a materialistic world view. Physical reality is seen as self-existent and life, in its varied complexity, is a result of random selection, as taught in the theory of evolution. In an attempt to prove the validity of random selection as the reason behind the origin of life, a leading university did an experiment by placing a number of computers in a cage with chimpanzees and allowing them to write at will. After a month of pecking randomly on the keys, the scientist evaluated what was written. In all the volumes of material there was not even a one letter word written which was separated by a space before and after the word, (such as “I”). The reason is that the probability for this to happen is 1 in 27,000. Imagine the probability of arriving randomly at a Shakespearean sonnet. It is mathematically impossible. It is by God’s power that all has come into existence and there is intelligence, design and purpose in all He does.

When man rejects God, the next logical step is to embrace human power. Individual man is quite fragile and powerless in confronting life’s challenges alone and so seeks to join with others to create a collective expression of force and might. Human power is most overtly expressed in government. Hegel expressed it this way: “Government is god upon the earth.” This philosophy greatly influenced both Lenin and Hitler, which resulted in their attempts to conquer the world through military and ideological power.

Being Omnipotent, God, as King of kings, sits on His throne and laughs at man’s attempts at being all-powerful. With just a word, man’s tongues are confused, his plans are frustrated and what he has built is destroyed. Man so greedily seeks after power. He so desires to be in control and yet with little success. Absolute power in man’s reach only corrupts him.

Through submission to the Lord our God, power is given to us. This is the power to resist temptation, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to preach with boldness, and even to raise the dead. As we recognize His authority over all and His all-powerfulness, we can rule and reign with Him. Why seek after power when we have the All-Mighty God with us?

Scriptures to meditate on:

Matthew 28:18-19; Psalms 2:1-6; Romans 1:25; Daniel 4:34-37; Ephesians 2:6