Day 58 – YHWH (Yahweh) – Shalom

YHWH (Yahweh) – Shalom

Shalom is probably the most often used word in Israel. It is used as a greeting, and to say, “farewell”. It is used to bless someone on a special occasion or even just to say, “have a great day!” Shalom, when used as a greeting, is a pronouncement of personal blessing; that God’s favor, prosperity and health be given to the person receiving this greeting. In one word, Shalom means: Peace.

One of the names of God is; YHWH-Shalom. This name refers to God as not just the giver of peace, but who is peace. His peace passes all understanding, because it is not based on circumstances. He is peace in times of trouble. His peace in us can calm the storm that surrounds us. Yahweh-Shalom becomes the anti-dote for what robs us of peace. This name speaks of wholeness, inner tranquility, safety, perfection, completeness and satisfaction.

This name for God, (YHWH-Shalom), appears only one time in the Scriptures, but the truth that God is peace is seen throughout the Bible. This attribute of God was revealed to Gideon at one of the most difficult times in the history of Israel. The Midianites had been oppressing the people of Israel for over seven years, by stealing their harvest and laying waste to the land. Gideon was grinding out his wheat in his winepress to hide it from the Midianites, when the angel of the Lord appeared to him. The angel’s greeting spoke of courage, confidence and valor. He gave Gideon a heroic mission to defeat the hordes of the Midianites. Gideon was insecure, fearful and anxious, but the Lord was Peace.

After this brief encounter with the Divine, Gideon built an altar and gave it the name YHWH-Shalom. In the days that followed, Gideon’s fear was confronted and overcome by the Peace of the Lord. Gideon did defeat the great army of the enemy with only 300 men. He became a hero and judge of Israel, because God was with him. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let your hearts not be troubled, neither let them be afraid,” (John 14:27). 365 times in the Bible we have the admonition: “Fear not,” (One for each day of the week). Gideon overcame his fear, by coming to know God as Yahweh-Shalom. He is the Peace that passes all understanding.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Judges 6 and 7; John 14:25-31; 16:33; Gal. 5:22 and Phil. 4:7