Day 62 – The Lord Our Banner

The Lord Our Banner

The third composite name of God revealed in the Scriptures was that of YWHW-Nissi, “The Lord our Banner”, (Exodus 17:15). We come to know God through experience and at this moment in history, Israel came to know God as the God who helps in time of conflict and battle. Israel was heading toward their Promised Land, in the North of the Sinai, when the Amalekites rose up against them. The Amalekites were distant cousins of the Israelites, descending from one of Esau’s grandsons, Amalek. They should have helped Israel cross their land to get to their desired end, but rather they opposed them.

Israel was not a warring people. They had been slaves for 400 years, but now they had to fight. Moses, Aaron and Hur positioned themselves on a hill overlooking the battle site, as Joshua led the people into battle. As Moses raised the staff of God, Israel prevailed, but when he lowered it the Amalekites prevailed. Aaron and Hur had Moses sit on a rock, (representing Jesus), as they held up his hands. Israel won the battle and Moses built an altar to the Lord and gave it the name, YHWH-Nissi, The Lord is my Banner.

A banner, or flag, is used in battle as a rallying point. It identifies who you are and what side you are on. As long as the banner is raised it provides courage and inspiration. It gives the soldiers focus and direction. The staff that was raised up was pointing to God. The men were reminded that Yahweh was on their side and that He would help them have victory. It also served as a banner to the Amalekites. They were aware of the defeat of the Egyptians at the crossing of the Red Sea and that they were fighting Yahweh’s chosen people.

When the Lord is our banner it means that our battles are the Lord’s. Our enemies are His enemies and His enemies are ours. The Lord leads us into victory, because the battle belongs to the Lord! When we become weary, He is not. When you feel overwhelmed, He is not. When you are anxious and disorientated, He is not. The battle is the Lord’s!

King Jehoshaphat came to know God as Yahweh-Nissi, when he faced the vast armies of the Moabites and the Ammonites with the musicians and singers leading the army. God said: “…do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s,” (II Chronicles 20:15). We can rest on the Rock, which is our position in Christ Jesus, and look up. The victory is ours!

Scriptures to meditate on:

Ex. 17:8-16 ; II Chron. 20; Psalms 91; Eph. 6:10-20