Day 85 – Morning By Morning

Morning By Morning

How many prayers have we prayed since we first learned to pray? Our first prayers were most likely for ourselves as we pleaded to God for forgiveness of our sins and for grace in receiving salvation. Since that moment, so often our prayers have been for ourselves. Each morning we ask for His provision, His blessings, His guidance, His deliverance in times of trials, His protection, and His wisdom. There is not a day that goes by, in which we do not seek the Lord for something that we may need or want. We are as constant beggars asking everything from the Lord.

The fact is: God is the only one we can go to who will meet our every need and satisfy the longing of our soul. Morning by morning our prayers have ascending into heaven and the mercies and bread of heaven have come down. Can you count how many prayers you have prayed? I am sure you cannot. Just as we cannot count all the prayers we have prayer we cannot count all that have been answered. Can you recall all the days of health you have had, the many days you have had food to eat, a house to live in, friends and family to support and love you, and the many times your soul has feasted at His banquet table? The psalmist said: “…do not forget all His benefits.” (Ps. 103:2)

Our wants have been innumerable and yet the Lord’s supply has been infinitely more than we could have ever imagined. As when Jesus was heard when he offered up prayers and supplications, so are we heard by our loving, heavenly Father. Even when we dishonor Him with our fears and doubts, He hears our cries in times of trouble. God has promised to bless His children, and He has done just that. Take some time to reflect on the goodness of God. Some say hind-sight is 20/20. So look back over the many times the Lord has been your help, your healer, your provider and your comforter. If He has done so much in the past, won’t He be there for you now?

Morning by morning, in prayers and supplications, make your requests known to the Lord. Don’t tier in asking the Lord for everything. He does not tier in hearing and answering your prayers. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness and goodness. Be appreciative for what you have already received from His hand and look forward with faith praise for all that you are about to receive.

Scriptures to Meditate on:

Psalms 92:2; 103:2; 143:8; Is. 33:2; 50:4; Heb. 5:7; Phil. 4:6