Day 87 – Lord, Go With Us

“Lord, Go With Us”

Sometimes I wonder just how much of what we do we do on our own? In this I mean, by our own strength, on our own initiative and with little regard or awareness of the presence of the Lord. What makes our life distinctly Christian? Is the way we work distinctly different than others? Is our family life, that is, what our neighbors hear through the walls or observe in the cafes or on the street different than anyone else? Do our children’s teachers comment on our children as being different than the other children? What set us apart from others?

I love the dialog that Moses had with God at the foot of Mount Sinai. He had had a face to face encounter with the Great I Am in the Tent of Meeting, where the Lord affirmed His favor and grace on Moses, yet also showed His anger over the stubbornness of the people of Israel. He was ready to send them off into the Promised Land without His presence. He would send His angel, but the Lord would not go with them. Moses interceded on behalf of the people, saying that if the Lord did not go with them, no one would go. In Exodus 33:16, Moses says: “For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?”

What makes us distinct is God with us. Without Him, we are nothing. Moses wanted to know Him, to see His glory. Joshua just wanted to stay in the Tent of Meeting…to just live in the place of the encounter. David sang out, “for a day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere…” (Ps. 84:10) Paul counted everything else as rubbish in order to gain Christ and be found in Him, (Phil. 3:8-9). When you really know God, you want nothing else. Your speech is different, your attitudes are different and you have a glow about you.

Sacrifice is not an issue when God is with you. Riches, fame, position and power hold no place to the presence of God. Having God with us influences our choices, determines our priorities and chooses our friends. It is evident to all. The Christians of the early church were identifiable by the love they expressed to one another. Their speech gave them away that they had been with Jesus. Having God with them changed their world.

The evangelistic organization, Youth with a Mission, states their mission goal in this phrase: “to know God and to make Him known.” This is a great objective to have in life. We can make God famous by living in His presence, walking in the Light of His Word and doing His will each and every day.

Scriptures to Meditate on:

Ex. 33:12-23; Ps. 16:11; 27:4; 65:4; 84:10; Phil. 3:8-9