Strategic Indigenous Missions is a result of over 30 years of church planting experience in a number of countries around the world. Since 1983, Jim and Helen Reimer, along with their children, have been resident missionaries in Portugal. There they have established seven self-sustaining churches, along with a publishing house for the production of Christian literature.
From this base they have launched other mission initiatives into various African and European countries. The Reimers have built relationally as they have done pioneer work around the world, which has provided the basis for a strong network believers committed to the spreading of the Gospel to the ends of the world. S.I.M. is the coming together of experienced missionaries and ministries from around the world to give vision, strategy and support to a new generation of indigenous missionaries.
S.I.M. is the coming together of experienced missionaries from around the world to give vision, strategy and support to a new generation of indigenous missionaries.
Mission Statement
We believe that the best way to reach the unreached is through the national, indigenous workers. Our goal is to train and equip them so that they can be effective in establishing churches in their own nations as well as in neighboring and more difficult to reach people groups. Beginning with Portugal and networking internationally we are raising up national workers to go into unreached parts of the world. We are determined to see churches planted among every ethnic group in Africa and Europe; especially among those under the influence of Islam.
Our purpose is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of the world through witnessing communities of believers. By establishing churches, we can help those new believers to evangelize their own people with a living witness of the Kingdom of God. Our goal is to use our experience, gifting and callings to equip the indigenous church to form strategies in effective church planting, prayer and spiritual warfare.
- Training of missionaries, both indigenous and foreign, to establish Christian churches throughout the world.
- Partnering with existing Christian mission agencies to effectively reach the needs of the given mission fields.
- Sending and supporting such missionaries in their varied fields of service.
- Sponsoring charitable and humanitarian projects in areas of need.
- Publishing Christian literature to aid Christian missions.
The Board

- Sam and Sabra Miller
- Dick and Donna Sorenson
- Fred and Pam Kropp
- Ted and Dawn Sandquist
- James and Helen Reimer (founders)
- Sara and Jaime Schneider (not pictured)