As you know, this endeavor cannot be done alone. As part of Christ’s body we need to seriously pray about the gifts (talents) that God has given us and how they can be mobilized and used in establishing His Kingdom on earth.

You can be a part of reaching the unreached!

What gift has God given you?

We are needing many more partners.

Join with us in fulfilling the Great Commission (Mat. 28:19-20)… through prayer, financial support and volunteer short or long term mission trips. You can make a difference!

Here are our partner ministries who are fulfilling the Great Commission around the world:

New Hope

Dr. Elizabeth Hynd – New Hope Centre, eSwatini



Seth & Silvia Reimer – Logos Comunhão Cristã, Lisbon, Portugal


Ted & Dawn Sandquist – Global Worship Initiatives, Kentucky, USA


Lanyap lifeDick & Donna Sorenson, The Laynap Life, Idaho, USA