Day 20 – Majoring in the Majors

Majoring in the Majors

When we feel that time is just flying by and it seems that we are not getting done all that we want to do, we need to look at what we are doing and see if it is really important. So much time is wasted every day with trying to put out the fires of the urgent and thus not having time for the important. Solomon refers to these as the “little foxes that spoil the vine”. Dealing with the urgent may seem unavoidable at the time, but it results in frustration and stress because what we really want to do just keeps getting put off to some other time. These little foxes may not be bad things or problems, but they just keep us from the best. I call this majoring in the minors and not the majors. Really if you think about it, the good is the enemy of the best.

Jesus was an expert in prioritizing and doing the important. He did in three years what most of us never get done in a whole lifetime. Daily He made decisions as to how He would use His time and often it wasn’t what others thought He should do. Let’s look at a few of these examples.

Washing your hands before you eat More important is what comes out of your mouth than what goes in
(Mark 7.1,15)
Eating Doing the Will of the Father
(Mark 3.20,31-35)
Serving Tables Sitting at Jesus’ feet
(Luke 10.38-42)
Tithing every cent Showing compassion and love
(Matthew 23.23)
Sleep Spending a night in prayer
(Luke 6.12)
Keeping the Sabbath Helping people in their time of need
(Mark 3.1-5)
Spending time with natural family Being with the family of God
(Mark 3.34-35)
Teaching adults Loving children
(Matthew 19.13-15)
Doing what you want to do Doing the will of the Father
(Luke 22.42)
Keeping traditions Obeying God’s Word
(Mark 7.8-9)

These are just a few examples, but it is enough to show us that in each day we need to be able to say no or wait to the good so that we can give priority to the best. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, all other things will fit into to their place.

Scriptures to meditate on:  Matthew 5.2-12; 6.33; Song of Solomon 2.15; Psalm 118. 8-9.