Always In Style
I am always amazed how the majority go after what is in style. Whether it is cell phones, cars, clothes or even health tips, every year there is something new. The pressure to “keep up”, to have the latest “toy” and to be seen as “cool” has created multi-billion dollar industries. But, as soon as something comes into fashion, it goes out of fashion.
Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church that there were three things that never lose its appeal. These three qualities always remain in style; faith, hope and love, (I Cor. 13:13). They cannot be bought, but they can be developed in your life. You can lose them, but no one can take them from you. They can weather any storm and even get better and stronger in the midst of adversity. Faith, Hope and Love abide forever.
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It is cultivated in the company of God-fearing people. It is believing in God and accepting His Word as true. Faith is active and produces a change in one’s life. Those who have faith are constantly changing into the likeness of the object of their faith, which is God. Faith is like muscles; the more you use them the stronger they become.
Hope is being positive about your future. Hope is having vision, purpose and joy. It is knowing that all things work for good to those who have placed their faith and love in God. It is seeing the end from the beginning. Hope is enjoying your everyday life.
Love is the icing on the cake. It is the greatest of these three “in style” traits. Love is the sharing of all you have and are with others. Love is not about “me”, but about “others”. Love is always in the context of giving. It is living in community and family. When you love you are never alone. It is the best of the best.
Faith, Hope and Love are a good investments of your time, passion and resources. At the end of your life, what will remain? For sure, these three will.
Scriptures to meditate on:
I Cor. 13; Romans 8:28; 10:17; 12:12; Hebrews 11.1; Galatians 5.22-23; Psalms 42:5