Christian Primary School in Luanda

We need sponsors to help 80 children complete their primary education. Only $20 a month per child can provide for the child’s education. As you can see above the school is still in construction but because of lack of funds the work is stopped. Without help the school will close. The government will not help and there is no other options for them. With the building finished they would be able to educate 500 children grades 1 to 6. Please consider donating today.
Mail tax deductible donations to:
Strategic Indigenous Missions
PO Box 1745
Placerville, CA 95667
Make Check Payable to “Strategic Indigenous Missions” and Indicate “Angola Primary School” in the memo line of the check.
For bank transfers please contact SIM directly at:
Tel: 530-417-3230
or E-Mail:
All of our overhead is voluntary, which enables 100% of your gifts to go to the specified projects.
Bible School Graduation 2024