Ted and Sandra Hahs

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Support the Hahs ministry & the INNOVAT3 Initiative
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Send the donation to Strategic Indigenous Missions using the email: info@simissions.org and include in the message section “For Ted & Sandra Hahs”
We love Zelle because there is no transaction fee!!
PayPal is also a wonderful way to give!
Or Mail Donations to:
Strategic Indigenous Missions
PO Box 1745
Placerville, CA 95667
Make Check Payable to “Strategic Indigenous Missions” and Indicate “HAHS” in the memo line of the check.
For bank transfers please contact SIM directly at:
Tel: 530-417-3230
or E-Mail: info@simissions.org
All gifts are tax deductible and all of our overhead is voluntary, which enables 100% of your gift to go directly to the field!
About the Hahs
Ted and Sandra Hahs are social entrepreneurs based in Silicon Valley. They work collaboratively with a wide range of partner ministries and organizations focussing on equipping leaders, mobilizing prayer, and taking care of the poor. They believe in Christian unity to fulfill the great commission and make the world a better place.
Silicon Valley is one of the most influential regions of the world. It is also the least churched area of the United States. Many people think it is closed to Christianity, we do not believe that is true. If we present our faith as demonstrated by what we do, particularly how we take care of the poor and disenfranchised, people from all the diverse backgrounds represented in this area are not only open, they want to help.
Sandra is from Portugal, and Ted is from southern California. They met in 1994 in Lisbon. They have been married 28 years and reside in San Jose, California with their 4 beautiful children.
Here are some of our recent communications:
Grumpy or Grateful – A Thanksgiving Inspirational
You Are Making History Right Now
All Bay Area Leadership Summit
Please pray, I went back to prison