News & Devotionals

Day 288 – The Tabernacle of David

The Tabernacle of David In 750 B.C., Amos prophesied of the reestablishing of the Tabernacle of David. (Amos 9.11) This tabernacle, or tent, dismantled after the Temple was built by …

Day 287 – The Joshua Generation

The Joshua Generation When I was a new believer, I heard prophecies calling our generation the Joshua Generation, and recently I have heard it again about the present generation. In …

Day 286 – Tithes and Offerings

Tithes and Offerings  The practice of giving tithes and offerings is frequently criticized in today’s world. Even within the Church there are those who charge that the principle of tithing …

Day 285 – The House of Bread

The House of Bread Self-preservation is the most powerful of human motivations. Water and food are essential ingredients to survive. Where there is no bread, there is starvation. Several times, …

Day 284 – The House of God

The House of God A few days before Passover began, the Temple was crowded with those who had come from all over Israel to celebrate the feast. They could not …

Day 282- The Blind Side

The Blind Side Most every day I read a chapter in the book of Proverbs and I have noticed how often there is a warning about not being wise in …

Day 281 – Speak To The Mountain

Speak To The Mountain When something seems insurmountable, beyond our means or difficult, figuratively speaking, we call it a mountain. In every one of our lives, we have mountains. Some …

Day 280 – Spiritual Breathing

Spiritual Breathing When we look at nature we can see many spiritual truths reflected in it. God created man from the dust of the earth, which is an inanimate substance. …