Day 259 – Wait
Wait Waiting is one of the most difficult of personal disciplines that I have had to learn.I don’t know if I have yet fully developed this grace in my life, …
Wait Waiting is one of the most difficult of personal disciplines that I have had to learn.I don’t know if I have yet fully developed this grace in my life, …
Who Is The Lord? When someone asks us if we know someone, we usually respond according to our experience with that person. Sometimes our answers are quite superficial and general, …
Jump For Joy I love to see children happy. They just can’t keep still. They jump, twirl, dance, run. You name it; their joy is expressive, exuberant and contagious. Some …
Passing The Test I have spent a great portion of my life as either a student or a teacher. As a student, I had to learn the disciplines of note …
Thanksgiving For The Blessings It is funny how songs of childhood come back to you from time to time. One such song is that of Johnson Oatman, entitled: Count Your …
Take The Upper Road There is one thing that can never be taken from us, and that is the power to choose. You may feel that you are boxed in …
Leading Out Of Weakness Most people see leadership as a position of superiority; not only in their placement in the chain of command, but also in their capabilities and effectiveness. …
All Things New Many people have come to me with their problems; seeking my counsel on how to resolve their crisis. Some come with a victim mentality, in which they …
Don’t Lose Your Edge Hard mental and emotional toil, contact with disagreeable persons or things, disappointments and physical exhaustion, all have a tendency to drain our energies and depress our …
Much Fruit Jesus spoke so often in agricultural terms when describing life in the Kingdom of Heaven. When He talked about faith He compared it to a mustard seed. When …