News & Devotionals

Day 235 – Begins With A Seed

Begins With A Seed By means of parables, Jesus used familiar settings to illustrate spiritual truths. Though some were so simple, the disciples had difficulty in understanding what Jesus was …

Day 234 – Free To Serve

Free To Serve In the early Church, the fish became a symbol for the believers. The Greek word for fish, “Ichthys”, is an acronym of five words: Jesus Christ, God’s …

Day 233 – The Royal DNA

The Royal DNA Recent DNA testing and scientific research has confirmed the Biblical teaching that mankind has descended from one man and one woman. In 1987, a team of scientist …

Day 232 – Latter Rain

Latter Rain The prophets Joel and Zechariah prophesied of a coming revival on the earth as one approached the last days. Zechariah declared: “Ask for rain from the Lord in …

Day 231 – The Organic Church

The Organic Church  There are many metaphors in the Bible used to describe the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is pictured as a Building, a Family, an Army, a …