News & Devotionals

Day 180 – The Valley of Decision

The Valley of Decision In John Bunyan’s book, Pilgrim’s Progress, the pilgrim, named Christian, entered the fearful Valley of the Shadow of Death. When he is in the middle of …

Day 179 – Christ-Like

Christ-Like In the middle of one of the many times Jesus talked to His disciples about the Father, Philip interrupted by saying: “Lord, show us the Father, and it is …

Day 177 – The Abiding Word

The Abiding Word When a word is spoken it puts out sound waves. These sound waves can bounce around objects creating an echo and be heard by those near, but …

Day 176 – Hanukkah Lights

Hanukkah Lights Hanukkah, which means dedication in Hebrew, commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the year 164 B.C. The Temple had been desecrated by the Syrian Greek …

Day 175 – Human Beings

Human Beings In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the despondent Hamlet considers suicide while bemoaning the unfairness of life, yet in considering this recognizes that death may be even worse. He …

Day 172 – It Is Written

It Is Written I have come to see our spiritual battle against the devil as a battle of arguments, or words. It is like being in a courtroom. You have …

Day 171 – Trustworthy Sayings

Trustworthy Sayings In reading the letters Paul sent to his disciples, Titus and Timothy, I came across a phrase that was repeated several times. The sentence is: “This is a …