News & Devotionals

Day 130 – Praying Through

PRAYING THROUGH When I was a child, I remember hearing the older believers in church talk about praying through. At the time, I didn’t understand what this meant, even though …

Day 129 – Chasing The Wind

Chasing The Wind On the day of Pentecost, 120 believers were gathered together in the upper room when a roar was heard and a mighty, rushing wind filled the place. …

Day 128 – The 70

The 70 In the tenth chapter of the book of Luke, we see Jesus sending out 70 of His disciples to go ahead of Him into every village. He sent …

Day 127 – Tears In His Bottle

Tears In His Bottle In wandering through the Kasbahs of North Africa and the Middle East, I have seen on display in numerous shops a variety of little, decorative, glass …

Day 126 – God’s Tattoos

God’s Tattoos The practice of tattooing one’s body has been around for a long time, but it seems to be more in style now than ever before. What is interesting …