News & Devotionals

Day 324 – Repent

In a day in which there seems to be tolerance for sin, but not for truth, it is a very unpopular message to call sinners to repentance. Maybe we have …

Day 323 – Separation

SEPARATION One of the most painful human experiences is that of separation. To say goodbye to our children as they go off to college, or when they get married or …

Day 322 – Brokenness

Most of us see broken things as worthless and needing to be thrown out. We are so conditioned by our disposable society that if it doesn’t work, we just discard …

Day 321 – Hearing God

When Peter, James and John were on the mountain with Jesus and saw His transfiguration and glory, Peter wanted to build a memorial to the experience. Isn’t that just like …

Day 320 – Built Together

When I look at the description of the Church in the book of Ephesians, I see certain concepts continually being highlighted; that of unity, togetherness and being joined. In chapter …

Day 319 – Idol Free

When we see the word, idol, most of us wash our hands and say: “Well, that is not my problem”. We have the tendency to allocate idolatry to images of …

Day 318 – Take It Off

Goliath stands in the open field, spewing out his blasphemies and curses at the army of Israel. Behind him were the multitudes of his own people, each one raising their …

Reimer Report – Spring 2019

Dear Family and Friends, Greetings from Portugal. As Spring heralds in new life, we are rejoicing in the return to active ministry to the nations. As you know, last year’s …