Day 27 – Beautiful Feet

Beautiful Feet

There is much said about feet in the Bible. Much of the teaching, where feet are referred, has to do with the direction our life is to take and purpose God has for us. We are told to shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, (Eph. 6.15). This is part of our armor as we go forth as bearers of Good News. Wherever we go we are to preach and preform God’s Word. This is our mission and this is God’s Will. The salvation of the nations’ depends on our obedience to this mission.

In Romans 10, verse 15, it says that the feet of those who preach the Gospel are described as “beautiful.” The translation of this adjective has left the meaning a little vague. The Greek word, translated “beautiful”, is: horaios, which literally means: timely, belonging to the right hour or season. Joining verse 14, which talks about salvation through the preaching of the Gospel, to verse 15, we see that the unsaved cannot hear the Good News unless our feet are beautiful. This is being at the right place at the right time. It is that timely word that hits the mark. It is not just the going but the appropriate timing of our going.

Beautiful feet people are those who are led by the Spirit of God. They don’t rush in and blurt out the first religious phrase or Bible verse that comes to their head. Firstly they are goers not stayers, but they are also listeners before they are speakers. They wait for the open doors and the appropriate time. Their words are as “apples of gold on plates of silver,” (Prov. 25.11). Their words are seasoned by faith, hope and love. Beautiful feet have the aroma of God’s presence with them. The people of this world are open and receptive to them, because they are delightful to be around. The result is a great harvest.

Let’s be beautiful, feet people as we walk about in our lives.

Scriptures to meditate on: Romans 10.14-15; Luke 10.2; Mark 16.15; Matthew 28,18-20 and Proverbs 25.11.