Day 52 – Our Omniscient God

Our Omniscient God

To say God is omniscient is to say He is all-knowing. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. He knows what is revealed and what is not. He knows all and yet we still argue with Him, as if we know something He doesn’t. We arrive at wrong conclusions, because of our limited knowledge of things. We judge others, as if we know everything there is to know about the person. Even when we hear from God and speak that which we believe we have received from Him, the Bible says we only do this, “in part,” (I Cor. 13:9).

Let me share a story that illustrates this point:

There was an old man who had a horse and one day the horse came up missing. The villagers came to him and said, “This is terrible, someone has stolen your horse, we must call the police.” The old man said, “now, don´t jump to conclusions, we don’t know if it is bad or that he was stolen, all we know is that he is missing.” Two weeks passed and the horse came back home, with ten mares following him. The villagers came to him exclaiming, “You were right it wasn’t bad that he went missing, it was good, because now you have 11 horses. The wise, old man said, “wait a minute, we don’t know if this is bad or good, all we know is that we now have 11 horses. A short time later, as the old man’s son was training the horses, he fell and became paralyzed from the waist down. The villagers rushed to the old man’s house and said, “Really, having these extra 10 horses was not good, for look, now your son is lame.” The wise, old man looked at them and said, “we don’t know if it is good or bad, all we know is that he is that he cannot walk.” A few months passed and country went to war. All the boys of the village were drafted into the army and consequently died in the war, except for the old man’s son.

We “know in part and prophesy in part” and God knows all and His Word is eternal. Because of this, He is the judge, not we. He works everything for our good. We need to just rest in Him, trusting in His care and guidance. If you have invited Him into your life, then let him drive. We don’t need to know everything. We don’t need to understand all the “whys” of life. All we need to know is our omniscient God and that is through a relationship with Him.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Romans 8:28-30; I Cor. 13; Philippians 3:7-11; Deuteronomy 29:29