Day 86 – Treasure In Heaven

Treasure In Heaven

Did you know that your heart follows after what you treasure? Your treasure is what you value the most. It is what you think about the most. It is also what you make time for, when you have so many other things to do, thus becoming your priority. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that one finds in a field. It is so valuable that when found, all else that one has is sold so as to purchase that field, thus obtaining the treasure.

A rich young man came to Jesus one day, desiring to have eternal life. He was sure that there was some kind of ladder to climb, some laws to follow or deeds to be done to get what he wanted. Jesus saw that his treasure was in the things of this life and so he told him to sell all he had and give it to the poor. To have eternal life, his treasure needed to be in heaven and not of the things in this world.

What would be your response if Jesus asked you these questions: “What is your treasure? What are you willing to give everything up for?” Many of us see God as a means by which one can obtain his treasure. Daily we go to God to receive from Him what our heart so much desires. What Jesus was saying to the rich young man was that it isn’t what we do for God, or what we can receive from God that gives us eternal life. It is God that is our Treasure. He is Eternal Life.

Jesus came to earth to die on the cross and to rise from the dead so to be able to bring us to the Treasure; to the Father. Jesus is the Way. He didn’t die and forgive us, so that we would go on treasuring anything more than God Himself. Jesus came so we might know this Treasure, be united to this Treasure and experience fully Eternal Life. Anything less is idolatry.

We cannot possess this Treasure, as we do a car or a house. Rather, we are united to this Treasure. We are in a relationship of love. God has become our heart’s desire, our first love. The sin factor was been removed. What separated us from Him is gone. We have been reconciled to God. Nothing else matters. Nothing else is important. He has our full attention. He is the purpose and desire of our life. This wonderful treasure is now in earthen vessels. The Kingdom of Heaven has come to earth.

Scriptures to Meditate on:

Mat. 19:16-22; 6:19-24; II Cor. 4:7; Col. 2:3; Rom. 5:10