Day 12 – God is Good

God is Good

One of greatest truths we can come to know is that God is good. It seems so simple and obvious, yet so often our lives and conversation does not reveal that we really believe it. The negative pull downward influences our world view to the point that we speak out continually our frustrations and doubts. But with every negative word we say, God has a positive response.

When we say, “Its impossible”, God answers, “All things are possible to them that believe.” We may say, “I’m so tired”, but God says, “I will give you rest.” We argue, “I just can’t do it,” and God says, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” We say, “I’m afraid”, but God says, “I have not given you a spirit of fear.” We respond, “But I feel so alone”, and God says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

Though you may not believe in yourself, God believes in you. He has created you and has called His handiwork good. God does not make mistakes, especially in making you or me. We are the prize of His creation. If we feel out of control, we must realize that God is still in control and knows what He is doing. Nothing escapes His full attention and involvement. So when you say, “I can’t go on”, God says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” We know our weakness, but He knows His strength. God bases His response to us, not on our ability but on His ability to supply all that we need.

You see, God is for us not against us. We can trust Him with all our life. As we trust Him with each decision and with our dreams and future we will prove that good and perfect will of God. God is Good and there is no shadow of turning in Him. He is the same each day. He won’t have a bad hair day and be grumpy and hurt or disappoint us. He is not as a man that we could be false or inconsistent. Even when we don’t feel so special or loved, God says, “I love you.”

Scriptures to meditate on: John 3.16; Luke 18.27; Philippians 4.13, 19; Hebrews 13.5; II Timothy 1.7; Matthew 19.17; II Corinthians 12.9; Romans 12.1-2.