Day 3 – Friends


One of the joys of life is spending time with a good friend. This is someone who you don’t have to impress or be guarded around, one who accepts you as you are and is there to share your good times as well as the bad times. Do you have such a person in your life?

One day I asked a group of teens what they desired in a friend. I was surprised by their definition. One teen said: “someone who will respect you for who you are,” another said: “one who you can trust with your secrets,” and another said: “one who will correct you when you are wrong.” My pastoral instincts were seeing verses behind each of these qualities and it just confirmed to me that man’s desire for true friendship is really God’s idea.

God desires friendship with man. This is why man was given a free will. Friendship is not forced upon us. It must be freely given and received. In Proverbs 18, verse 24, it says, “a man who has friends must himself be friendly.” God has extended His friendship to us. He has been faithful, there when we need Him, always believing the best about us, helping us find the best way to live, respecting our “space” and even correcting us when we need it. He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother, (v.24b).

One day, while at home in Capernaum, Jesus was surrounded by a multitude of people that came to listen to him teach. There was not enough room in the house for so many people. Every corner, window, hallway and door was packed with people. Upon hearing that Jesus was home, a paralytic man was brought by four of his friends to be healed. They could not even get close to the house, but they were determined to help their friend. They climbed up on the roof of the house and began to take apart the tiles and straw to be able to lower their friend to where Jesus was sitting. The Bible says: “When Jesus saw their faith…” He forgave their friend’s sins and healed him. Note that it was “their” faith that Jesus recognized. Good friends take you to Jesus.

Abraham was called the friend of God. Jesus called his disciples friends and even was known as a friend to sinners. He is your best friend and you can be His friend as well.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Proverbs 3:12; 17:17; 27:17 and 27; John 15:15; Luke 7:34; Psalms 37:3; 46.2; Mark 2:3.