Day 330 – I Believe

What you believe is very important. What you believe in your heart will change the way you think and what you think will determine what you feel; then your actions follow suite. Belief is a decision you make in your heart. Beliefs can be emboldened with a number of strong emotions and based on a long string of logical arguments, but these come as a consequence of the decision you make to believe. What you believe is revealed by what comes out of your mouth. The Bible says: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34) And again it says: “Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, ‘I believed, and so I spoke,’ we also believe, and so we also speak.” (2 Corinthians 4:13)

As I have looked in the Bible at this concept of believing, I see that often it is presented as a command: “Believe!” An example of this was on the day of Pentecost when the crowd asked Peter what they should do to be saved? He replied: “Repent, and believe…” Before Jesus healed, He would frequently ask the person if he believed. At one time, the father of a demon-oppressed boy cried out: “I believe; help my unbelief!”. (Mark 9:24) Even if we have feelings and thoughts of unbelief, we need to make a decision to believe what God has said. It may seem like you are not being true to your feelings, but don’t worry, your feelings will change according to your belief.

Here are somethings to believe:

I believe that all things will work out for my good. (Romans 8:28)

This establishes a positive attitude about your future. It gives you hope, which is the basis for faith. This strengthens your resolve to go forward and not quit.

I believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139:14)

By believing that God created you and you are pleasing in His sight establishes the purpose and meaning in your life. Because God likes you and thinks you are beautiful, you can like yourself. Life is sacred and a gift from God. It is to be nourished and protected.

I believe that God loves me. (John 3:16)

Because God loves me, I am important. I don’t have to prove my worth or try to earn His acceptance and love. God sees me as I am and loves me just the same. I am safe with God and have abundant peace.

I believe that all things are possible with God. (Mark 10:27)

Every difficulty are to be met with faith in God. Because God is with me, I can meet new challenges with confidence that I can do it. By believing in the power of God, there is an expectation of the miraculous.

I believe that what God said is true. (John 14:6)

Truth is absolute and serves as an anchor to the soul and rock upon which to I can build my life. God’s Word exposes all the deception and lies of the enemy. Because God is Truth, my thoughts will be conformed to His thoughts.

I believe in eternal life. (John 11:25)

Death is not the end, but a passage into eternity with Jesus. Because Jesus rose from the dead, I will rise from the dead. I am no longer subject to the fear of death.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Matthew 19:26; Romans 10:9-10; John 11:25-26; 14:6; 3:16; 6:14; Psalms 139:14