Day 366 – The Rhema Word

One of the most common ways of hearing the Lord speak is through His Word. The writing of the Bible happened via inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Ordinary men were used by God to transmit His message for all of mankind. Inspiration is revelation, which is God-breathed Truth. The vessels are human, so you see a lot of humanity in the Scriptures, but the message is divine. Just as the Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it is also understood by revelation.

There are two Greek words for the English word for “word”. They are Logos and Rhema. Logos is used when referring to Jesus as the Word of God. (John 1:1, 14) In secular Greek literature logos meant a higher reason or power that brought order to the world. By using this word to refer to Jesus, the Bible is saying that the incarnated Son of God came into the world to bring order out of chaos; to bring salvation to a lost and dying world. Logos is the complete revelation of God, the person of Jesus, and the entirety of the Scriptures.

Rhema, on the other hand, is a quickened, specific word from the Spirit of God. In using the word “quickened”, I am saying that it comes to life within us. Have you ever read a passage of Scripture and it seems to just jump off the page at you? You may have read it hundreds of times, but in a moment, it makes sense and is as if God is speaking right to you. That is a “Rhema” word. It is the living and active “word” that is like a sharp two-edged sword, piercing to dividing of soul and spirit. (Hebrews 4:12) The “Rhema” word is what produces faith.

I have found that there is a big difference between intellectually understanding the Bible and having revelation. Revelation builds us up, whereas information puffs us up in pride. Because revelation is a work of the Holy Spirit, what happens is that our spiritual eyes are opened to see as He sees and understand as He understands. I study the Bible every day and before I open the Scriptures, I ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate my understanding; to speak to me in my time of studying the Word. I have never been disappointed. His Word is alive and active; full of divine energy, just waiting for someone to open his heart to receive the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

To grow in your faith is to cultivate a listening ear to the Rhema, Word of God. Let that sword pierce your heart and transform your life, then speak that Word to others. Even when prophesying, there is first the hearing then the speaking. As I have dedicated myself to receiving revelation through studying the Bible, I have found that there is an increase in my ability to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit on other occasions as well. Through the written Word of God, we get an understanding of the character and nature of God, which serves as guidelines in discerning, if what we are hearing is from God or not. With the content of the Scriptures in you, then you can prophecy more accurately. In Revelation 19:10, the Lord says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Logos, Jesus, the Word of God, when quickened, the Rhema, becomes prophecy.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Matthew 4:4; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 11:3