Day 7 – A Vision With A Mission

A Vision With A Mission

Having a vision is not like watching a film, where we are passively observing the unfolding of the future. Vision is seeing what can be, but also necessitates our involvement in it so that it will be able to come to pass. It is like prayer, in that we are involved in God’s will being done here on the earth. Reese Howells, a British intercessor, said often, “Never pray unless you are willing to be the answer to your prayer.” In the same way, you cannot be a visionary without being a missionary.

Ezekiel received a vision of a valley of dry bones. These bones represented the actual state of Israel. He didn’t receive this vision just to be informed, but rather to enact change. God did not want Israel to remain “dead” and so involved Ezekiel in their restoration by having him speak His word over these dry bones.

Having a vision with a mission involves several things. First, we need to know that if we have a vision, then we will be involved in its fulfillment. Secondly, our words must be in line with the Word of God. It also requires faith in God to do the impossible. A vision that will change the coarse of history is always beyond the ability of man. The impossible is only achieved through faith and faith comes by hearing, confessing and obeying the Word of God. Next, vision is strategic. It doesn’t just happen. There are steps to take. First the bones came together, then the nerves, muscles, flesh and skin. There is order to a vision’s fulfillment.

Because vision changes people and nations, it is not without offense. These bones coming together caused a lot of noise. For God to bring forth a people who would walk together in unity and do great conquests as an anointed army, independence had to be dealt with. This scandalizes those “loose cannons” who desire to do things their way. They are always learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ is also not without offense, yet it is the power of God to all those who believe.

God’s vision is our mission. He wants us all involved. There is no room for mere spectators.We are all commanded to “GO!”.

Scriptures to meditate on: Ezekiel 37.1-12; Mat. 28.19; II Timothy 3.7; Romans 10.8, 17;     I Corinthians 1.18.