Day 9 – Two Seeds

Two Seeds

A seed represents fruit. It has within itself great potential for multiplication, but is limited to produce only after its own kind. An apple seed will only produce apples, not potatoes. As the Bible say, “What you sow, that you will also reap.” The seed does not just refer to plant life, but also animal and human life. We can talk about the seed of mankind, referring to their descendants.

Adam and Eve had two sons or seeds. The first, Cain, was a worker of the soil. He was of the nature of his father the first Adam. He had his eyes on earthly things and so as he worshiped God, he brought to him the work of his hands. One worships only what he knows, so as Cain approached God in offering sacrifices, he presented the best he had, but it was the fruit of the land, which had been cursed. His offering was rejected, because it was a result of his work and not his faith.

The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil leads one to base truth on what is right or wrong; on what feels good, appears good and seems good. If one would come into an economically, socially and morally depressed environment and promise an end to unemployment, crime, inflation and moral decay, would you vote for him to lead your government. Probably you would. If so you would have voted for Hitler, as did the Germans in the 1930s. He not only promised reform, but fulfilled everything he promised. In Revelations, the Beast who comes out of the earth appears to be the answer to all the world’s woes. What appears right, isn’t necessarily right. Remember, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is just as good as it is evil.

The second seed was Abel. He was a tender of sheep. He represents the last Adam. When he worshiped God, he brought to Him what had life, a lamb. His offering was accepted because it represented the fruit of the tree of life. He did not work to produce life, he only offered up to God the life he had. He suffered for doing good and did not retaliate. His blood was poured out onto the earth, as was Jesus’. The blood of Jesus is the good news of salvation to all mankind. It speaks better than the blood of Abel. The blood of Abel speaks of justice and revenge; the blood of Jesus speaks of mercy and redemption.

These two seeds are at war with one another. The seed of sin comes through man, thus contaminating all of mankind. For the seed of righteousness to enter into mankind, the seed of sinful man could not be used. The Holy Spirit was needed to sow into the woman the divine seed. This is the “seed” of the woman talked about in Genesis 3.15, that will crush the serpent under his heel. The virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ establishes a new order in creation. A righteous seed produces a righteous race.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Genesis 3.1-15; I Corinthians 2.14; Romans 1.18; Revelations 13.11; Ephesians 2.13; Hebrews 11.4; 12.24.