Jim and Helen Reimer

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About the Reimers
Jim and Helen have been serving as missionaries in Portugal since 1983. Together they have begun several churches in both the United States and Portugal, and have ministered in many parts of Europe and Africa. Their goal is to raise up indigenous workers to go out as missionaries and plant churches in unreached areas. They are doing this through the establishing of missionary training schools on various mission fields and have ministered in over 60 countries around the world. They have a heart to see the Gospel reach into all nations and the Church of Jesus Christ planted among every people group. They believe the key is in the mobilizing and training of the indigenous church on the given mission fields.
Buy Jim’s Latest Books!

Buy prints of Helen’s artwork

Visit www.fineartbyhelenreimer.com
Download Helen’s book – Sweet Secrets of Parenting – (PDF, 3.5mb)