Day 269 – Problem Solving
Problem Solving During election time, the media is dominated by candidates promising to solve all the nation’s problems. I often think to myself, (and now I am thinking out loud …
Problem Solving During election time, the media is dominated by candidates promising to solve all the nation’s problems. I often think to myself, (and now I am thinking out loud …
Out Of The Depths The Hebrew word for the Psalms is Tehillim. It means “songs of praise”. Looking at this title, you would expect to find mostly songs of praise …
Salt Shaker Shake Before the invention of canning or refrigeration, the primary method of preserving food was with the use of salt. For this reason, it has long been considered …
Jars Of Clay It is amazing how God takes something of no value and makes it extremely valuable; like taking dust and forming it into a human body. This creation …
What Is Normal? In a day of such diversity of culture and behavior, it is hard to determine what is normal. Some define normal as the status quo, or what …
The Keys Of The Kingdom The day Peter had the great revelation that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, he also was given the promise of …
Expectations How many of us have been disappointed by people that did not fulfill the expectations we had of them? I see that hand. My hand is up as well. …
The God Who Sees Hagar was a slave girl that Abram acquired while in Egypt. She was assigned to serve Sarai, Abram’s wife, and I am sure, she was quite …
The Sons Of Issachar After the death of King Saul, Ish-bosheth, his son, was made king by all but one tribe of Israel. Judah, however, recognized David as their king …
Flee Temptation The Bible states that temptations are common to man. In other words, everyone has been tempted and will be tempted over and again in his life. Even the …