News & Devotionals

Day 19 – Living Stones

Living Stones The writers of the New Testament used many different illustrations and figurative language to describe the church of Jesus Christ. We see the church referred to as a …

Day 18 – All

All In reading through the Scriptures, I am amazed at how frequently the word all or every is used. One day I looked up this word in the Hebrew and …

Day 15 – As The Eagles

As The Eagles The eagle is a bird used quite often in history to symbolize superiority, conquest and divinity. Many nations have the eagle as their national symbol and some …

Day 14 – Transformed

Transformed In Romans 12, verses 1 and 2, we are admonished to be transformed instead of being conformed. Conform means to be pressed into a mold. It is a mindset, …

Day 12 – God is Good

God is Good One of greatest truths we can come to know is that God is good. It seems so simple and obvious, yet so often our lives and conversation …

Day 11 – Two Cities

Two Cities As the two seeds multiplied and man began to populate the earth, we see two world systems developing. These two systems of thought are at enmity with one …