Day 307 – Amen
AMEN Have you ever been annoyed by the frequent and seemingly irreverent way “amen” is used by some Christians? As I have ministered in many countries around the world, I …
AMEN Have you ever been annoyed by the frequent and seemingly irreverent way “amen” is used by some Christians? As I have ministered in many countries around the world, I …
The Big Bang The most prevalent theory today, of the origin of the universe, is that of the Big Bang theory. This idea, formulated by Georges Lemaitre, in 1927, noted …
Argue Your Case Arguing with God; is that possible or even allowed? Doesn’t God demand the kind of obedience in which there is no room for doubt or questioning? Does …
Eternal hope When we talk about hope, many think it to be some indefinite, wishful thinking, such as saying: “I hope so”. But it is much more than that. According …
A Place Prepared For You There seems to be such a finality in death, especially for those you remain behind. Saying “good-bye” to a loved one is hard and as …
The Prayer of Faith Prayer is a discipline seen in all religions. Prayer is communication. It is a way of connecting with God. Prayer is also taught. The disciples of …
Born For Greatness Have you ever heard the saying: “He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth”? In other words, some people are born into families of means …
Stumbling Stones One of the Scriptures that Jesus quoted, when referring to Himself, as the Messiah, is found in Psalms 118.22, (Mark 12.10). It reads: “The stone which the builders …
I Don’t Need It I remember when I began my ministry in rural Missouri. I was attending seminary, at the time, and accepted an invitation to pastor a church in …
What Love Hates The other day, as I was flipping through the channels of the TV, I was impressed with the domination of programs filled with violence, crime, greed and …