News & Devotionals

Day 307 – Amen

AMEN Have you ever been annoyed by the frequent and seemingly irreverent way “amen” is used by some Christians? As I have ministered in many countries around the world, I …

Day 306 – The Big Bang

The Big Bang The most prevalent theory today, of the origin of the universe, is that of the Big Bang theory. This idea, formulated by Georges Lemaitre, in 1927, noted …

Day 305 – Argue Your Case

Argue Your Case Arguing with God; is that possible or even allowed? Doesn’t God demand the kind of obedience in which there is no room for doubt or questioning? Does …

Day 304 – Eternal Hope

Eternal hope When we talk about hope, many think it to be some indefinite, wishful thinking, such as saying: “I hope so”. But it is much more than that. According …

Day 302 – Prayer of Faith

The Prayer of Faith Prayer is a discipline seen in all religions. Prayer is communication. It is a way of connecting with God. Prayer is also taught. The disciples of …

Day 301 – Born For Greatness

Born For Greatness Have you ever heard the saying: “He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth”? In other words, some people are born into families of means …

Day 300 – Stumbling Stones

Stumbling Stones One of the Scriptures that Jesus quoted, when referring to Himself, as the Messiah, is found in Psalms 118.22, (Mark 12.10). It reads: “The stone which the builders …

Day 299 – I Don’t Need It

I Don’t Need It I remember when I began my ministry in rural Missouri. I was attending seminary, at the time, and accepted an invitation to pastor a church in …

Day 298 – What Love Hates

What Love Hates The other day, as I was flipping through the channels of the TV, I was impressed with the domination of programs filled with violence, crime, greed and …