Day 306 – The Big Bang

The Big Bang

The most prevalent theory today, of the origin of the universe, is that of the Big Bang theory. This idea, formulated by Georges Lemaitre, in 1927, noted that the universe was in continual expansion and states that this expansion can be traced back in time to a single, originating point. Since the first publication of this theory, many other scientists have built on his idea of cosmic expansion. What complicates the single point in space aspect of this theory is that all observable regions of the universe are moving away from each other. My objective here is not to prove or disprove this theory, but rather to give you another way to see it.

Instead of just looking at a catastrophic explosion that gave birth to natural reality, as we know it today, let us assume the Biblical account of creation is true. The Bible begins this way: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) What God created was good and perfect. There was no need for evolutionary improvement. But something did happen that shook all of creation, (heaven and earth), and that was the fall of Lucifer and the fall of man. They rebelled against their Creator and moved away from Him. Since that “big bang”, all are moving away from God. Man has severed his connection to God and has declared his independence.

This outward movement has been labelled progress by those blinded by sin. The expansion of the universe can be compared to the increase of knowledge, but with it the decrease of wisdom. The mortality rate has risen, but morality has lowered. There is more faith in science than in God. Not only are we moving away from God, but we are moving away from one another. The “ties that bind” man and woman together in holy matrimony are being broken at a rate of close to 70% in many parts of the world. Wars, offenses, bullying, arguing, etc. are on the increase. The United Nations are not united, providing no solutions to global turmoil, and the so called “age of Aquarius” has fallen short of providing love and peace on earth. Fallen man cannot fix himself as he drifts off into space. No matter how lofty his ideals or how diligent his efforts, he is moving away from the solution, not toward it.

God’s remedy is simple. It is regress, rather than progress. “Come let us return to the Lord, and He will revive us.” (Hosea 6.1-2) Like the good shepherd that left the 99 and went after the one lost sheep, so Jesus was sent to earth to seek and save all those who were lost. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus redeems us from sin’s wayward movement and brings us back to the Father. Look at all the words relating to salvation: Restore, redeem, recover, repent, renew, reveal, reconcile, resurrect, revive, etc. They all begin with the prefix “re”, meaning to go back to the original state. To sinful man, normal is understood as what the majority has accepted as being true or correct. But, the word normal comes from the Latin, “normalis”, which refers to a carpenter’s square. Normal is what it was at the beginning. Jesus responded to the Pharisee’s argument in favor of divorce by saying, “it was not this way in the beginning…” (Mark 10.6)

The Big Bang is not God’s intention. His call is to return to Him. God is not changing. He is not in continual flux and progressive movement. He is Good. He is Love. We must return to experience what we have always longed for. Without God, we will never be content and at peace.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Hos. 6:1-2; Lam. 5:21; Jer. 11:25; Is. 53:6; Rom. 3:23