Reimer Report – Spring 2020

Dear Family and Friends,

A new decade brings a “new” promise, found in Jeremiah 29:11-13. If you don’t know this, it is a treasure worth hunting for…look it up!

With Jim traveling now without me, I have extra time to write to you all. I love to write although Jim does most of the communication, seeing he is a whiz on the computer. In fact, this letter may have to wait until he is back to send it out.

In January, we got back to a cold house, (our usual winter), after a story-book Thanksgiving and Christmas with our U.S.A. families. We’ll never forget the 47-pound turkey that Jeremy and Jim wrestled down and dressed for the occasion. We did get snow for Christmas in Ithaca and Quinta Rosa was all decked out with Tara’s special, artist touch. Other than the N.Y. and California family events, we were also able to be with our dear friends in Harrisonville, MO. and in Boise, ID. Five of our grandchildren had birthdays while we were in the States, so it was especially important to us to be with them.

February is my month and I was so blessed to have my birthday on a Sunday. We invited our neighbors to church and one of them accepted Jesus into her heart. After church, we celebrated at the restaurant where Catia works. Thank you all for so many lovely cards and messages. I felt so loved. On May 9th, Jim turns 70. That is a big one…so do the same for him too. 😉 Now, he gets to start climbing to the next mountain of 80, wow! I am living with an old man. By the way, he is doing great. He is in Madagascar now, where S.I.M. has a wonderful couple, (Brandon and Ana Kindelburger and their son, Didier), doing church planting.

The second half of February, Jim and I were in Mozambique for the graduation of the Theological Institute of Missions, that Jim began two years ago. The 8 graduates were so thrilled and the church they began is growing so well. One of the students is now the pastor of this new church plant. Thanks to New Life Church in Stockholm, Sweden, I was able to be there with Jim. I especially enjoyed teaching art to Hasse and Sonia Perrson’s children, as well as those involved in children’s ministry. We were hosted so well by Maria do Carmo and the church she pastors.

We are looking forward to a couple of family reunions this coming July. The Stark side will be meeting in Dallas, Oregon over the 4th of July weekend and the Reimer’s will be meeting in Lake Tahoe the following weekend. We will also be able to celebrate more birthdays and two high school graduations. We are also looking forward to baptizing some of our grandchildren this summer. Well my part is over. Communication is so important, and we want to thank you for your love and prayers. We can’t do what we do without you.

Bless you all



My turn. I just got back from Madagascar. It was a wonderful time and the work there is amazing. Brandon and Ana have done so much in such a short time. They have many challenges, seeing it is such a diverse culture and religious setting. There are so many superstitions and witchcraft underlying their beliefs and even among those who claim to be Christians there is much syncretism.

I got back to Portugal just in time. With this coronavirus spreading around the world, most airports have shut down. Here in Portugal, we are quarantined. Almost everything is shut down and our communication, (including church), is via the internet. What a strange time we are living in. I have been trying to take advantage of being at home to write, but my computer has been giving me problems. Time for a new one. I have had to cancel a trip to Morocco and possible will need to postpone a trip planned to Germany. I will need to make that decision later this week. I also have a wedding to do in Brussels and other commitments that just are having to be put on hold.

In these days, we need to hold fast our confession and live in the reality of Psalms 91. Helen and I have been taking Communion every day, as we proclaim what the blood of Jesus has done for us. We have had some special times with our neighbors, as we have gathered for Bible study and prayer. God is in control and we want to take advantage of every situation to bring Him glory.

We love you all
