Reimer Report – Summer 2020

Dear Friends and Family,

In January, who would have thought 2020 would turn out as it has? So many of our plans have had to be changed and trips cancelled. Yet, through it all, there is much to be thankful for and we are confident that all will work out for the best. In this “lock-down” time, we have been able to be productive and finish a number of projects that have been on the shelf. I was able to write a longer book on spiritual warfare, which can be used as a manual to accompany my seminars, and Helen has finished her “Ethnic Beauties” series of paintings. She is also writing poems and journaling about the many divine interventions and miracles that have occurred in our life and ministry.

God has provided us with a secure place to live in a rural village, with many trails in the forest to discover on our daily walks. The virus has not infected any one in our village and, even though we are precautious, we have spent some meaningful time with our neighbors. There is an openness to the Gospel, and we are believing for a great harvest of souls. Our church in Lisbon will reopen next week. Several members have been sick with the COVID-19 virus, (one is still in ICU), and so we have had to go slow in congregating together. Seth has been diligent to minister using Zoom, YouTube, WhatsApp, and all the social media sites to touch the people and preach the Gospel. The response has been great, but we miss the physical touch and closeness of fellowship.

We are praying for all to get back to normal soon. We have scheduled ministry in Egypt, Germany and Sweden for the Fall and we don’t want to have to cancel again. I believe we are all having to learn how to “wait on the Lord”. I have found that it is harder to wait on the Lord than to preach about waiting on the Lord. Even our ministry to local congregations here in Portugal has had to be via the internet. It is ok, but just not the same. One highlight of our week has been to have a S.I.M. zoom meeting, in which we join our team with a number of national workers across the world. It has been great to connect and encourage those who are laboring in some difficult places.

To endure the “lockdown cross”, we have been keeping a “hope set before us”. Hope is the expectation of good. One “hope” dream of ours is to have our entire family here in Portugal, in August of 2022, to celebrate with us our “Golden Anniversary”. Our family, (children and grandchildren), is now 33, 27 of which live in America. Many of our grands have never been to Portugal and because our family is spread out between California, New York and Portugal, some of the cousins don’t even know each other. We are planning, organizing, and saving, now. Helen calls it our “Golden Miracle”. Pray with us and, if you can, join us in Portugal for this wonderful homecoming.

Just a thought on discerning the times: I believe the world is going through a time of shaking or as the Bible says “travail”, as in giving birth. I believe we are experiencing a great social upheaval, but also are on the brink of a great spiritual revival. This is not a revival to observe from afar or read about in the news. (It may never even get the attention of the media). It is a revival in which souls come to repentance. It begins in the Church with a wakeup call. The Church has become tolerant of sin in her midst and indifferent with the state of our society. The “selfie” centeredness of our present culture has blinded the eyes of many from adhering to revealed truth and has accepted as normal what God condemns. What is not built on the Rock will be shaken and fall. God is beginning, in the Church, to put things straight. As the Church, we need to be shaken out of our comfort zone and the “I’m ok, you’re ok” secular mindset.

When the Church is awake, then she will be about the Lord’s business. It is time to pray: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalms 139:23-24) From a renewed heart comes a renewed vision. The harvest is ready! Pray for the laborers; those who are “on fire” with a passion for God and a love for the lost. That is what is needed. We are living in a very significant time. As the Scriptures have said, we are in a time in which: “the love of many are growing cold, offenses are increasing, people are betraying and hating each another, nations are rising against nations, famine and pestilence are increasing, and yet the Gospel is being proclaimed throughout the whole world. (Matthew 24) Who can be complacent in a time like this?

We are not taking on a survival mode nor just desiring an escape from the mess, (via the Rapture), but are wanting to be on the front line in seeing more and more people redeemed from the enemy’s hand. Pray for us as we equip the workers and preach the Gospel. I am having a number of my books translated into German, Swedish, Russian and Portuguese. This involves a lot of people and much finances. God is faithful and these projects are going forward. We want to thank you all for your prayers and faithful support. We value our friendship and want to be faithful in communicating with you all. Do let us know your news as well.

Be blessed

Jim and Helen