Day 40 – Independent Or Interdependent

Independent Or Interdependent

In contemporary society there has been an equating of freedom with independence. People groups have sought for autonomy from colonial rule seeking their independence and self-rule. Lately, the “Arab Spring”, has given rise to a people’s movement to topple oppressive, dictatorial regimes. All have cried out for “Freedom!”

Even though this describes the present age in which we live, it is not applicable to the structure of the Church in the New Testament much less to individuals. Jesus has set us free from the tyranny of sin through the His shed blood, so that we can fellowship with Him in His kingdom. We are neither independent nor autonomous. We have been placed in His Body, (Church), and under His authority. Though the world seeks to be “self-sufficient” we are to be dependent. Though many desire to be “independent”, we are to be “interdependent.”

The picture that God gives us of His Church in the New Testament is that of a Body. Each member is “individual” but not “independent.” An independent member is one that is cut off and thus dies. It cannot live alone apart from the rest of the members. Interdependency talks of mutual submission, sharing, edifying and relationship. It cannot be virtual or mystical. It is real; face to face. The life in the Body flows from the Head, (Jesus), to all the parts. One must be in relationship to receive.

Many times we have used the term “autonomous” or “independent” to refer to a church that is non-denominational, but this a non-biblical concept. Local churches are tied together via trans-local ministries and should receive input, council and direction from beyond its borders. Interdependency not only ties the church together, but guards it against false doctrines, sinful conduct of its leaders and abuse. Not desiring to congregate and fit into the Body is a sign of rebellion and extreme individualism. This is the spirit of the world system, but not of Christ.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Ps. 68:6; Heb. 10:25; I Cor. 12:12-27; John 8:36