News & Devotionals

Reimer Report – Winter 2019

Greetings from snowing/frosty New York. This year we have had the joy of spending the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with family here in the States. Our children and grandchildren are …

Reimer Report – Fall 2019

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from Portugal. Helen and I are home now after 11 days in Sweden. Fall is in full force there, with temperatures dropping to 1ºC at …

Day 331 – Grace

If you knew you only had one month to live, how would you prepare to meet the Lord? I have asked this question to several people and many of the …

Day 330 – I Believe

What you believe is very important. What you believe in your heart will change the way you think and what you think will determine what you feel; then your actions …

Day 329 – A Little Leaven

Leaven is yeast and can refer to the agent used in making bread that causes the dough to rise or can refer to a pervasive influence that modifies something for …

Day 328 – You Are Important

In explaining how much God loves each person, Jesus used the metaphor of a shepherd that leaves 99 sheep to look for the one that was lost. (Luke 15:3-7) This …

Day 327 – Search Me

King David was a man after God’s own heart. Over and again in the Psalms we see him longing for the presence of God and seeking diligently His heart. For …

Day 326 – Repent Again

Repentance? Been there, done that! Is that it? Do we need to repent only to get in the door of salvation? Or, is there more to it? I believe repentance …